
Please have your nominations in before
Sunday April 13 at 11:59 pm.

Retail Stores

Gift Shops

Nominate Nominated! Bing's
Nominate Nominated! Brookstone
Nominate Nominated! DO Overz
Nominate Nominated! Fusion Boutique
Nominate Nominated! Give.
Nominate Nominated! Heart of Iowa Market Place
Nominate Nominated! Iowa Store-Heart Of Iowa
Nominate Nominated! Kavanaugh Art Gallery
Nominate Nominated! Light the Earth
Nominate Nominated! MoMere
Nominate Nominated! Nielsen Flower Shop
Nominate Nominated! Paris Flea Market
Nominate Nominated! Plant Junction
Nominate Nominated! Promoted Business Sample
Nominate Nominated! Sisters
Nominate Nominated! Tuesday Morning
Nominate Nominated! WineStyles
Showing of entries.
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Nominate them in Gift Shops.